"Why I got paid to hang out in Toronto for two days and tweet about it."
Created by Tom Dyer / @thomaswsdyer
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So if it's not these........
Simply put:
"DevOps is a philosophy."
A concept that promotes:
and so on, and so on,...
Ticketing Systems as Tools of Oppression?
I created a ticket! It's your problem now!
On-Call Sucks!
Woken up in the middle of the night for something out of your control?
On call twice (or more) per month?
One-man Ops Team?
Agile Methods
More work with less people!
Responsibility with no Authority
We chose this soution, look after it! - Whoops it sucks!
Start simple
DevOps is Laying the SMAC Down!
Start the conversation!
DevOps scares people. - Why?
Whether it's a goal or a by-product,
the philosophy of DevOps leads to
Continuous Improvement in those that adopt it.
The key to Continuous Improvement is lowering cycle time.
Low cycle time makes better fighter jets!
Even equal time:
Shorter cycle time = Quicker to learn and adapt
Reducing the time and reducing the barriers between
discovery, analysis, feedback and response
leads to quicker learning!
"Do Not Fear Failure."
Failure Testing = Taking control of failure!
Failure WILL happen
System and Operational knowledge sharing
How it's supposed to work vs. How it acutally works
Highlights "untestable" systems
If you can't test it, it's not fault tolerant
Fail often...but fail TOGETHER!
It's all about CAP.
Information and Transparency
Overlap and Face Time
Flexible Work Hours, Make yourself available!
Small, flexible teams
Solving the "Over the Shoulder" Problem
Keep Up Process!
Standups, Retros, 1-on-1's
Share Metrics!
All about transparency
Culture - Like the people!
IGNITE Talks are quick, organized presentations on a small, but complete topic
Stimulate diverse, AdHoc conversations between particpants
Participants submit a list of topics they want to discuss
The group votes for the popularity / interest in each topic
The group decides how to split up the selected topics
For example, three concurrent groups, 45 minutes each, three time blocks
Participants can join whichever discussion they want, for however long they want.
Conversations are unstructured and informal.
Container technology is very new, but very exciting!
"Containerizing" tools and processes creates a division of tasks.
Docker Containers for Workstations - Each container has the tools and setup to accomplish a specific task.
Container != VM
Light-weight configuration management tool.
Shallow learning curve.
Wiki Setup Page of Doom? --> Ansible playbook.
Concentric Shell Scripts? --> Ansible Playbook
Test your infrastructure!
Validate your Configuration Management.
We would want it for PAAS.
Leads to "Test Driven Infrastructure".
Decoupled from Configuration Management.
Still no.
Platform monitoring tool.
It's not NewRelic - Focused on 'Capacity Monitoring'.
No application traces - Not for code optimization.
Java / JMX Compatible.
Integrations for Nagios (in) and OpsGenie (out).
Open sourced plugins - We could write our own!
It is NOT:
Continuous Deployment
Automating ALL THE THINGS!
It IS:
Eliminating bottlenecks in delivering software!
Some blockers:
Continuous Delivery is about removing blockers!
Conquering the Impossible Project!
Reflexive Feedback Loops - Changing one (or two) changes the others!
Map out your processes to see where bottlenecks exists!
Define your end goals!
Especially when choosing technology!
Did I mention SHARING?
TELUS (~43K Employees) is starting to employ DevOps principles
They use a "Transformation Team" to:
Two years into a five year plan.
"Planted the seeds" into various small groups of TELUS.
Starting to see small returns in small groups - Koodo
Executive Buy-in! - from the CEO!
HipChat, Slack, or FlowDock
Alerts, Notification, and Deployments
We are leading the charge!
Our deployments are pretty good!
"Two button deployment!"
We are leading the charge on ChatOps!
Deploy spikes, alerts, LiveBot, Front-End Business
There's no alternative to Liquibase.
You're using it or you're not
Everyone is as bad at schema migrations as us
We're doing DevOps with the Business!
JIRA Workflows, ChatOps, Dashboards, Post-mortems
We should be running PaaS.
Let's amp up our serverspec efforts.
Even for manually created infrastructure
Logstash - nohup is good hup.
Start sharing with Dev!
Guerilla DevOps Warfare
Moar MeetUps!
Give DataDog a shot.
Dockerize sensu-clients.
What are our barriers for delivery?
lita.io for LiveBot?
The Cloud = SAAS + Amazon + 'A bunch of stuff that doesn't really matter'
A small box of business cards looks like a juice box in an airport baggage scanner...
..I mean it.
Totes...mah goats!